Made of 100% organic hazelnuts. Unique and unresistable, without added sugar, soy, palm oil, preservatives, additives, artificial colors. The product is certified as organic.


  • keeps the heart healthy, rich in unsaturated fat
  • excellent for pregnant woman, contains folic acid
  • great source of proteins
  • fast and tasty snack or supplement in meals
  • excellent for children
  • contains magnesium, calcium, vitamins B and E
  • decreases the risk from cancerogene diseases
  • feeds skin and hair

Extraordinary delicious, with love from mother nature. Ingredients: 100% organic hazelnuts. Allergens: nuts. Usage: for breakfast, as a snack, in smoothies and desserts, as salad dressing, meat topping or simply to be enjoyed with a spoon. Advice: stir before use. Origin: Macedonia. Produced and distributed by: Bonita Vita DOO, Varshavska Street No. 52, 1000 Skopje. Store in a dry place at temperatures below 24°C. Best before: printed on the packaging.

Nutritional values per 100g:

Energy 669,9 kcal
Fat 59,2g
Carbohydrates 14g
Proteins 15g


Made of 100% organic ingredients: hazelnuts, cacao, honey and carob. Carefully selected and dosed with love, in excellent synergy, will simply conquer you! Great food for the brain, kids are „going crazy“ about it! Without added sugar, soy, palm oil, preservatives, additives, artificial colors.

The product is certified as organic.


  • excellent source of iron
  • super energy over the day
  • decreases stress and depression
  • protects from cancer
  • regulates the blood sugar level and cholesterol level
  • improves memory and concentration
  • decreases the possibility from occurrence of heart attack
  • excellent for pregnant woman, contains folic acid
  • feeds skin and hair
  • great protein source

EN: Extraordinary delicious, with love from mother nature. Ingredients: 97% organic hazelnuts, cacao, carob, honey. Allergens: nuts, honey. Usage: for breakfast, as a snack, in smoothies and desserts, as salad dressing, meat topping or simply to be enjoyed with a spoon. Advice: stir before use. Origin: Macedonia. Produced and distributed by: Bonita Vita DOO, Varshavska Street No. 52, 1000 Skopje. Store in a dry place at temperatures below 24°C. Best before: printed on the packaging.

Nutritional values per 100g:

Energy 669,9 kcal
Fat 59,2g
Carbohydrates 14g
Proteins 15g


Made of 100% organic ingredients: hazelnut, cacao, honey, carob and chilli.

Carefully selected and dosed with love, in excellent synergy, will simply conquer you! True delicacy, melts and warms you. Without added sugar, soy, palm oil, preservatives, additives, artificial colors.

The product is certified as organic.


  • rich in antioxidants
  • rich in minerals
  • improves immunity
  • aphrodisiac
  • excellent protein source
  • fast and tasty snack or supplement in meals
  • decreases the possibility from occurrence of heart attack
  • excellent source of iron
  • feeds skin and hair
  • decreases stress and depression
  • improves memory and concentration

Extraordinary delicious, with love from mother nature. Ingredients: 97% organic hazelnuts, cacao, carob, honey, Allergens: nuts, honey. Usage: for breakfast, as a snack, in smoothies and desserts, as salad dressing, meat topping or simply to be enjoyed with a spoon. Advice: stir before use. Origin: Macedonia. Produced and distributed by: Bonita Vita DOO, Varshavska Street No. 52, 1000 Skopje. Store in a dry place at temperatures below 24°C. Best before: printed on the packaging.

Nutritional values per 100g:

Energy 669,9 kcal
Fat 59,2g
Carbohydrates 14g
Proteins 15g


Made of 100% organic almonds. Excellent for the ones counting calories. Without added sugar, soy, palm oil, preservatives, additives, artificial colors.

The product is certified as organic.


  • еxcellent energy source and example for a complement nutrition
  • contains vitamin E
  • contains vitamins of the B complex
  • rich source of minerals
  • decreases the level of bad cholesterol
  • improves the brain function
  • protects from free radicals
  • helps loose weight
  • prevents occurrence of gallstones
  • protects from strokes and heart attacks
  • regulates the blood sugar level
  • improves the work of the nervous system

Extraordinary delicious, with love from mother nature. Ingredients: 100% organic almonds. Allergens: nuts. Usage: for breakfast, as a snack, in smoothies and desserts, as salad dressing, meat topping or simply to be enjoyed with a spoon. Advice: stir before use. Origin: Macedonia. Produced and distributed by: Bonita Vita DOO, Varshavska Street No. 52, 1000 Skopje. Store in a dry place at temperatures below 24°C. Best before: printed on the packaging.

Nutritional values per 100g:

Energy 672 kcal
Fat 58,5g
Carbohydrates 16,1g
Proteins 15,2g


Made of 100% organic ingredients: almonds, honey and cinnamon. Improves the funcioning of the entire body.

Without added sugar, soy, palm oil, preservatives, additives, artificial colors.

The product is certified as organic.


  • fights arthritis
  • decreases cholesterol and can protect from heart attacks
  • helps in some cases of infertility
  • helps regulate blood sugar levels
  • rich in fibers, calcium and manganese
  • improves the brain function
  • protects from free radicals
  • helps loosing weight
  • еxcellent energy source and example for a complement nutrition
  • great source of proteins
  • fast and tasty snack or supplement in meals

Extraordinary delicious, with love from mother nature. Ingredients: 97% organic almonds, honey, cinnamon. Allergens: nuts, honey. Usage: for breakfast, as a snack, in smoothies and desserts, as salad dressing, meat topping or simply to be enjoyed with a spoon. Advice: stir before use. Origin: Macedonia. Produced and distributed by: Bonita Vita DOO, Varshavska Street No. 52, 1000 Skopje. Store in a dry place at temperatures below 24°C. Best before: printed on the packaging.

Nutritional values per 100g:

Energy 672 kcal
Fat 58,5g
Carbohydrates 16,1g
Proteins 15,2g


Perfect gift full of love, health and nutrients.

The gift set consists of three organic nut butters:

– organic almond butter (90 g.)

– organic hazelnut & cacao butter (90 g.)

– organic hazelnut butter (90 g.)